Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The leaf juice in the dose of 10-20 ml is administered 
along with equal amount of honey three times a day for 
jaundice, intestinal worms etc. 

Neem oil along with equal amount of castor oil 
is given early morning in empty stomach to remove
the intestinal worms. 

The leaves of this plant along with turmeric is
ground together and applied over the areas of
insect bite, sori (a skin disease), sirangu (scabies),
fungal infection, karappan (eczema).

The decoction prepared from leaves and
bark is used to clean the ulcers and skin diseases.

The leaf paste is applied over the burns.

The decoction prepared from the flowers is
helpful in treating Gunmam or abdominal disorders.

The fruit is dried and the seeds are removed, this
is then powdered and given in the dose of 1-10 grams
two times a day for periodic fever.

The oil prepared from neem is an anti-septic and
applied externally for ulcers, ezcema and sirangu etc.

Neem oil is also used over herpes infection,
arthritis & kandamalai (cervical lymphadenitis).

The leaves are used as a bed for the patients
Suffering from pox infection.

The twigs of neem are used as an ancient
brush for teeth according to Siddha literature
the constant use of this will relieve tooth ache,
halitosis or bad odour from mouth etc.

Tender leaves of neem is an excellent medicine
for diabetic patients.

The neem oil, 5-6 drops is given along with milk in diabetes.

Image - www.herbsforhealthyliving.co.uk