- Thyme is a herb used for culinary purposes as well as for medicinal properties.
Here is a list of the health and medicinal benefits of thyme. - Thymol, the oil present in thyme leavesis used in mouthwashes to act as a breath freshener.
- The anti-bacterial properties make it an effectiveremedy against mucous membranes present in the stomach and lungs.
- The antiseptic properties make it an useful remedy for insect bites, burns and wounds.
- A good remedy for bronchitis, cough and cold is to have fresh thyme leaves along with a teaspoon of honey, two to three times a day.
- Thyme aids digestion and is especially useful after eating red meat.
- Women who wish to seek relief fromtheir painful menstrual cycles should eat fresh thyme leaves because they contain anti-spasmodic properties.
- Thyme oil is known to provide a soothing effect on the senses, alleviate mood, physical exhaustion and reduce insomnia by fostering good sleep.
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