The Basilica of Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Our Lady Aparecida) is in a small town of Aparecida, about 180 Kms. away from the city of Sao Paulo. It is currently the largest Marian temple and the second largest Basilica in the world. According to recent estimates, about 8 million pilgrims visit every year. Architect Benedito Calixto designed a building in the form of a Greek cross, 173 meters long and 168 meters wide; the tower is 100 meter high, the naves have 40 meters and the dome is 70 meters high, covering a surface area of around 18,000 square meters. It can hold up to 45,000 people. The 272,000 square meters of parking hold 4,000 buses and 6,000 cars.
The statue of Nossa Senhora was supposed to be found by the fishermen.The image has a dark brown color, as it was sculpted in clay (resulting in many of its replicas being painted black) and it is covered by a stiff dark blue robe of richly embroidered thick cloth with golden clasps, and wears an imperial crown which was added in 1904. Only her face and hands can be seen.
( Information Source : Wikipedia)

The image of Nossa Senhora.

Inside the Basilica

The room where devotees light the candles.
Wax images of the body parts are offered by people suffering from any ailments.
Children dressed up as Angels.
Outside the Basilica

Food Court and shopping for souveniers.